
Mon poème préféré / My favourite poem

Voici les gagnants en ordre alphabétique:
The winners, in alphabetical order, are:

Will Jordan  = A Daffodil Day (Teresa Hapley)
Anne-Sophie Munger = La cigale et la fourmi (Jean de la Fontaine)
Isabelle Ouimet = Runaway Pumpkin
Patrick Rainholt = Don’t Ever Ask a Centipede (Kenn Nesbitt)
Anna Sherman = The Ice Cream Store (Dennis Lee)

Nous remercions les élèves de 3e année de l’école Christmas Park et leur enseignante, Mme Gurdie Robertson, pour leur participation.
Thank you to the grade 3 classes and their teacher, Mrs. Gundie Robertson, at Christmas Park School for their participation.


The GLOBE 100

The editors at The Globe & Mail have compiled a list of the books that received the best reviews over the past year and we are proud to say that Beaconsfield Library has 93 out of the 100 in our collection.  The list is available at the Reference Desk or you can click on the links below to find the Globe's list with their reviews.

Canadian fiction http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/arts/books/the-2010-globe-100-canadian-fiction/article1813220/

International fiction http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/arts/books/the-2010-globe-100-international-fiction/article1814697/

Non-fiction http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/arts/books/the-2010-globe-100-non-fiction/article1813452/

Poetry and Graphic novels http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/arts/books/the-2010-globe-100-poetry-and-graphica/article1813465/